Today, after 17 months in the house, we packed up nearly 90% of are stuff. As much fun as this was, it served to remind me just how much I hate moving, packing or anything associated with moving. It has become apparent though, that after 11 house moves in 10 years I have become really good at it. I started packing at 12, by 4:30 all we had left was kitchen, bathroom and Ann's bench. Not bad for 4 hours work!
I then managed to get all of this in to the back of the little Polo and drove to Howth, I thought I was being clever and left it until half 5 to drive out there. I didn't reckon on the Dublin match kicking out so it took me nearly an hour and a half to get out there. What a nightmare the traffic was and what pricks the drivers turn in to. I was on the North Circular crossing over Drumcondra road with the green light and a guy almost drives into me as he is treating the junction as a 'when you think its clear go area!' Then there is the jamming up of yellow box junctions as if it doesn't matter if you cram up the junction if you don't turn your head and see the cars that now can't go anywhere because you have been impatient and got all of six foot further! I can't wait until I'm back on the bike.
Where was I? Oh yes, moving to Ireland originally it took a rented white transit van to move all the stuff over. Then moving back to my folks 2 years later I was down to 10 big boxes or 2 car loads. 5 Months after that after being seduced by some Irish bird I moved back with 6 boxes, when I returned to my folks to get the rest WE went through them and it was decided some of my taste in goods was lacking and only brought back a further 2 boxes. So today proved that barring clothes, Ann and I have got nearly all our belongings into 1 car load! When all is sorted I think it will be 2 at most.
All of this has meant my best intentions haven't panned out and I didn't go climbing again today and won't get much chance this week . I am hoping to climb at least 3 times a week and be going strong for the start of the bouldering season, I managed only twice last week. I'm out with Pierre tomorrow so hopefully the weather will be good - at the moment its raining so who knows.
We are all off to the yamamori on Wednesday so maybe a session on Tuesday then its all hands to the grindstone until its all packed and dropped off to Howth. It all needs to be done by Sunday for the clean up and hand over, screw it I hate moving!
I'm looking forward to moving to Howth I can get some nice summer runs around the head and some lovely cycles to work. Hopefully after 2 months I should be fitter and climbing more regularly, must get stronger.
On a wedding note I was looking at rings the other day and think I have found one I like although it does make me giggle when Ann asks about my ring size!!!!
A Night on Warner Mountain
1 day ago
Tim, there is bouldering in Howth. I found a big cave once, a long time ago. Would probably be dry now.
ReplyDeleteAlso there is allegedly some on the golf course.
cool, I havn't been on the golf course yet. Were abouts was the cave?
ReplyDeleteTim I let you down I should of replied and then it could of been Tim's Cave.
ReplyDeleteLive and learn, should have got of my own fat arse. Rooney, Kev and Duffyhave been downa lot and Barry went down on sat said it was great.